Bravo Investigations & Enforcement provides Enforcement Services in London

Our team of highly experienced Enforcement Agents can provide a quick and efficient Enforcement Service with over 95% success rate across London.

Our Enforcement Agents collect unpaid debts on behalf of creditors. Enforcement Agents (bailiffs) have the legal power to collect and sell goods to cover the debt and fees charged to the debtor. They need warrants and writs of control (for County and High Courts) in order to do this. Enforcement Agents (bailiffs) are used by local authorities, government departments and private individuals.

Bravo Investigations & Enforcement Certificated Enforcement Agents (bailiffs) can take control of goods and act on a warrant issued by the County Court for various types of debt such as:

•             rent arrears

•             council tax arrears

•             non-domestic rates

•             parking fines

•             child support agency arrears

Where do we provide Enforcement Services in London?

Enforcement Services in South London

Enforcement Services London in East London