Recover Debt in the UK fast and efficiently

Do you own a business? Does another business owe you money? Or perhaps, a previous employee left with company property?

This probably causes a significant nuisance to you and you want your money back. But perhaps you do not have the time to personally recover the debt, or the debtor is ignoring you. Bravo Investigations & Enforcement can help you get your money back. Our Certificated Enforcement Agents (Bailiffs) will attend in your behalf the business that owes you money. The Enforcement Agents will enter into a dialogue with your debtor to encourage them to pay, or at least enter into a payment arrangement. Being visited by our Enforcement Agents might cause the debtor to pay their debt without the need to go down the court route. We can also take photos of properties and assets and find out the information that can help you decide if they are worth litigating against.

Further steps

If your debtors won’t pay even after our Enforcement Agents have tried and exhausted the various means at our disposal, we will then leave a letter before court action and demand payment within 7 days. If this does not work, alternatively you may want to consider issuing a claim against them in the court.

Bravo Investigations & Enforcement works with a panel of highly experienced solicitors that can help you in moving your case forward. With the deep understanding of your case, we can advise you on the best solicitor for your specific situation. We would continue to cooperate with you and your solicitor in order to recover your money. We can serve various documents that we receive from your solicitor and we can assist you by enforcing court orders such as county claim (CCJ), Statutory Demands, etc.   

Step by step process

  • We receive your request for a doorstep debt collection.
  • We will check what your requirements are.
  • We will discuss and agree with you on a fee.
  • Your case will be loaded onto our case management system.
  • We will email you a confirmation of your instruction.
  • Payment arrangements are put in place.
  • Your case will be allocated to your personal case manager.
  • The case manager will determine the next steps and add it to the case management system.
  • You will be allocated a local Certificated Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) or a Private Investigator depending on what skills are required for your case.
  • The Certificated Enforcement Agent will carry out the visit.
  • As actions are completed the case management system is updated.
  • We invoice you and collect the payment.
  • We report our findings to you in a report supported with photographs